Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Visargaanta dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 91 :
Varnasya savisargasya visargaantam chitim kuru,
niraadhaarena chittena sprished brahma sanaatanam

Translation :
When a alphabet is joined with visarga, and mind is joined at the end of visarga, mind is made supportless and touched by eternal Brahma.

How to do :
In the sanskrit language, the sound 'Ha' is added at the last to a word or sentence. For ex: 'Aa' becomes 'Aaha', and 'Ee' becomes 'Eehi' etc. This sound 'Ha' that is added at the end is called 'visarga' in sanskrit language.
Select a sanskrit alphabet sound and add visarga to it, and chant it, use your mind to dwell on the end point of the sound after visarga. At the end point after the sound 'Ha' mind becomes supportless and that is the point when your mind touches the eternal brahma.

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