Tuesday, September 17, 2013

End desires dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 96 :
Jhagiteechchaam samutpannaam avalokya shamam nayet,
yata eva samudhbhootaa tatas tatraiva leeyate

Translation :
Observe the springing of desires like a flash, and put an end to them.Then, the mind will be absorbed into the source of desires.

How to do :
This is a continuous practice of awareness. Be alert in your mind about desires. Make a resolution in mind that you will watch your mind for desires. All desires arise from subconscious impressions, and as soon as a desire rises, put an end to it and do a detailed analysis of why such a desire has arisen. 
According to Gita, all desires are due to association of mind with the object , and this comes because of constant thinking of that object.

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