Sunday, September 15, 2013

Trataka dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 76 :
Tejasaa sooryadeepaaderaakaashe shaleekrite,
drishtir niveshyaa tatraiva svaatmaroopam prakashate

Translation :
Gaze at the space that appears variegated by rays of sun or by an oil lamp, which illumines one's Self.

How to do :
'Trataka' a yoga kriya is the process explained here with a slight difference. In the usual trataka, gazing at an object is suggested to be done, usually at a lamp, sky, an object like wall, or at moon etc. Here trataka is adviced to be done on the space around an oil lamp or sun rays which refracts the light and appears multi-colored. By doing dharana on this space, the Self is known or illumined.

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