Thursday, September 19, 2013

subject object dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 106 :
Graahyagrahaka samvittih saamaanyaa sarvadehinaam,
yoginaam tu vishesho asti sambandhe saavadhaanataa

Translation :
The object-subject consciousness is common to everybody. Yogis are especially aware of this relationship.

How to do :
You are consisting of two things. The percieved object, and the subject who percieves that. The relationship between the subject and object is experienced by everybody. But, usually people are enamoured with the objective world. However, Yogis, are very much aware of this relationship, and always aware of the subjective experience.
Look at an object, and then feel who is observing the object. The entity that is percieving is the subject. Be aware of subjective experience. Be aware of the relationship between subject and object and process of percieving. Know the perciever, percieved, and perception.

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