Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Vaasudeva dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 100 :
Chiddharmaa sarvadeheshu vishesho naasti kutrachit,
atashcha tanmayam sarvam bhaavayan bhavajij janah

Translation :
The nature of consciousness is in all bodies, and not specific to any body. Therefore, those who meditate on all as pervaded by that, will transcend.

How to do :
One of the names of Lord is 'Vaasudeva', meaning residing in all beings. This sutra means the same. The consciousness is not specific to you nor to anybody. It is a common experience in all bodies. First drop the idea that you have a unique consciousness different from others. Think that there is only one consciousness that is experiencing all minds and bodies.What you experience as consciousness , will be experienced similarly by other person. Those who are able to contemplate thus on the universality of consciousness will transcend the individualistic consciousness.

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