Monday, September 16, 2013

shoonya yantra dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 79 :
Upavishyaasane samyak baahoo kritvaardhakunchitau,
kakshavyomni mnah kurvan shamam aayaati tallayaat

Translation :
Sit in a right posture, make a circle with curved hands and arms, gaze at the space inside this circle. Mind becomes peaceful and absorbed.

How to do :
Sit in padmasana or sidhdhasana or sukhasana or sit in a chair, and raise your hands, bend them into a circle. Keep looking at the space formed inside the circle. The space / shoonya allows the mind to settle down, become peaceful and absorbed.
The circle formed by hands is a kind of shoonya yantra. 

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