Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Limitations dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 95 :
Maayaa vimohinee naama kalaayaah kalanam sthitam,
Ityaadi dharmam tattvaanaam kalayan na prithag bhavet

Translation :
Maaya, the delusive force, is responsible for the name and activity in the manifest universe. Contemplating thus, on the nature of maya and other principles of universe, one does not become separate.

Commentary :
One should contemplate on the principles of universe like 'Maaya', which will help in realizing that one is not separate from supreme reality.
The 'Maaya'  is the delusive power, that will cause the phenomenal world of name and form. Every human being feels limitation of,
a) knowledge
b) power
c) time and space
d) likes and dislikes
e) free will
Understand and be aware of these limitations, and know that who knows the limitations is the supreme reality.

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