Thursday, September 19, 2013

supportless mind dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 108 :
Niraadhaaram manah kritvaa vikalpaan na vikalpayet,
tadaatmaparamaatmatve bhairavo mrigalochane

Translation :
O gazelle-eyed one, make the mind support-less, refrain from all vikalpas (thought patterns). Then, the self becomes one with the Supreme Self, the Bhairava.

How to do :
Stop thinking. Dont think. When there are no thoughts, Bhairava manifests.
It is easier to say 'Dont think', harder to follow. So, what we can do, is to sit silently for about half hour daily, just observe the thoughts that come into the mind. Dont follow any thoughts, they come and go. Dont generate any thoughts, consciously. Dont stop any thought. Just see each thought in a non-judgemental way. When you close your eyes, sub-conscious mind will throw up what it has onto your conscious mind. Dont be horrified, dont stop, dont judge. Watch, observe the thoughts. Dont think that the thoughts belong to you. Think that the thoughts belong to somebody else. After some days, the thoughts will reduce. As you are not associated with thoughts, you will be able to make mind support-less, by refraining from the residual thoughts also. This leads to thought-less awareness, which is Bhairava consciousness.

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