Sunday, September 22, 2013

Equal eye dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 125 :
Samah shatrau cha mitre cha samo maanaavamaanayoh,
brahmanah paripoornatvaad iti jnaatvaa sukhee bhavet

Translation :
One, for who, friend and foe are alike, honour and dishonour are alike, and knows the Brahman to be full and complete, becomes happy.

How to do :
Have an equal eye on people you consider as friends and foes. Do not make distinction between honour and dishonour. Consider everything equally. This requires transcending  likes and dislikes. Consider everything as a part of the package called life. If there is darkness, then only we know the value of light. There is dualism in the world and there is nothing wrong with that, we need contrast in life. If we identify with one part of things and start liking it, and start hating the other part, then it becomes duality of nature, and this mindset starts hurting us. Brahman is complete and full, and allows all opposing things to exist in the world. Knowing that Brahman, one becomes happy.

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