Sunday, September 22, 2013

Atman is changeless dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 134 :
Aatmano nirvikaarasya kva jnaanam kva aacha vaa kriyaa,
jnaanayattaa bahirbhaavaa atah shoonyam idam jagat

Translation :
How can there be knowledge and action for Atma, which is changeless ? All the external objects are under the control of knowledge , therefore, this universe is void.

Commentary :
The Self is changeless. How can there be knowledge or action for atma ? If you allow that Atma can acquire knowledge, that means you are allowing change. Similarly with action. No change can be attributed to Atma. If you look at the world, everywhere there is action as well as exchange of knowledge. In these transactions, all the external objects are defined and controlled. Hence they are ever changing, and what changes doesnt remain what it is, and it doesnt exist anymore. From this thought process, it can be known that the world is void. 

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