Monday, September 16, 2013

Trataka on gross object

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 80 :
Sthoolaroopasya bhaavasya stabhaam drishtim nipaatya cha,
achirena niraadhaaram manah kritvaa shivam vrajet

Translation :
Gaze steadily at a gross object transfixed, within no time mind becomes supportless and acquires Shivam (auspiciousness).

How to do :
This is trataka technique done on a gross object. Sit relaxedly in front of a plain wall, either keep an object of your choice in front of you or select the wall itself. Gaze at the selected object continuously as long as possible without blinking. If tears come, let it roll down the cheeks. Blink if necessary. Keep gazing, and within no time, the mind becomes supportless and dissolves and sadhaka experiences thoughtless awareness, and shivam (auspiciousness) is acquired.

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