Thursday, September 19, 2013

All pervasive dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 105 :
Ghataadau yachcha vijnaanam ichchaadyam vaa mamaantare,
naiva, sarvagatam jaatam bhaavayann iti sarvagah

Translation :
Meditate on special knowledge like the analogy of jar, or about the desires existing everywhere apart from you, one becomes all pervasive.

Commentary :
Analogy of jar : The air in the jar is not different from the air outside. Similarly the consciousness in oneself is same as in others and in outside world. 
An individual has desires, similarly all individuals have desires. The feeling of desire is same.
Meditating on the commonality of all thus, one becomes all pervasive and all encompassing.

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