Monday, September 2, 2013

Fire of time dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 52 :
Kaalaagninaa kaalapadaad utthitena svakam puram,
plushtam vichintayed ante shaantaabhaasa tadaa bhavet

Translation :
Meditate on one's body being burnt by fire of time arising from movement of time, atlast one will experience peace.

Commentary :
Time is psychological in nature. Mind looks at various things and interprets the sequencing of images as passage of time. You will experience tomorrow when it becomes the present moment. All you experience ever is a moment in present. Past is dead memory and future is a fantasy. This is the nature of time.
This sutra doesnt define time in the above way. Here time is taken to be real and defined as 'chronological' in nature. Past has happened and future is yet to come. If this is the definition taken for time, then your body moves in time from past to present to future. Body keeps on changing continuously as time progresses. Some old cells die every second, and new cells are born. Some changes like blood pressure, heart beat, something might have happened. Body is changing. What you consider your body at this moment is not same as the body which is at next moment nor is it same as the body last year. Still we feel that we are same. With the passing of each moment (movement of time), your current body dies and consumed by the fire of time, and a new body is taken. Contemplation on this, and meditation on time as mentioned above will give us the nature of time as fire which consumes everybody. This contemplation of time and on body as being consumed by fire of time, will lead us to the unchanging Self which sees continuity in these changing bodies. Understanding of Self in such terms, will lead to peace.

VBT 53 :
Evam eva jagat sarvam dagdham dhyaatvaa vikalpatah,
ananyachetasah pumsah pumbhaavah paramo bhavet

Translation :
In the same way, one who meditates with one-pointed, unwavering mind on universe being burnt, that person attaines supreme manhood.

Commentary :
Meditate on time as explained in above sutra #52 and consider the entire universe as one body, being burnt in the fire of time each moment. Universe is also not same, it  changes every moment. Old universe dies and a new universe is born every moment. This happens in Time. Time consumes the old Universe and new universe is born. This happens again and again for every moment. Meditation on Time and the dissolution of universe every moment leads one to supreme manhood. 

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