Sunday, September 22, 2013

Ever free dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 135 :
Na me bandho na moksho me bheetasyaitaa vibheeshikaah,
pratibimbam idam buddher jaleshv iva vivashvatah

Translation :
There is no bondage and no liberation for me. These scare cowards and are the reflections of intellect, like the reflection of sun in water.

Commentary :
Sun reflects in water, similarly the reflections of intellect are the thoughts 'I am bound, I need to do these practices to be liberated etc'. These scare cowards. But for me, who is Atman, there was no bondage, there is no bondage, there will be no bondage, and the question of  liberation doesnt arise. I am ever free.
Meditate on the above lines.

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