Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nature of mind dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 97 :
Yadaa mamechchaa notpannaa jnaanam vaa kas tadaasmi vai,
tattvatoham tathaabhootas talleenas tanmanaa bhavet

Translation :
If my desires do not produce knowledge, then what am I ? What is my essence ? identifying with that 'I', one becomes that.

How to do :
Contemplate on what is your essential nature. Ask yourself, If desires do not produce knowledge which I want, then what am I ? 
Human beings are a bundle of desires. If those desires are not satisfying the fundamental urge of perfect knowledge, and if those are ended as suggested in previous sutra #96, then what is a human being made up of ? Is it just desires that define a human mind ? 

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