Sunday, September 22, 2013

Jagan mithya dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 133 :
Atattvam indrajaalaabham idam sarvam avasthitam,
kim tattvam indrajaalasya iti daardhyaachchamam vrajet

Translation :
This world is illusory like a magic, devoid of essence. What essence is there in magical world ?, convinced firmly of this thought, one attains peace.

How to do :
Shankara Advaita philosophy propounds that 'Brahman alone is Truth, world is illusory or transient appearance in Brahman, individual soul is none other than Brahman'. This sutra is in accordance with that theory, wherein the sadhaka has to think firmly that world is like an illusion created by magician, and devoid of any concreteness. One has to firmly think with conviction that 'What essence is there in a magical appearance of world ?'. This thought pattern weakens the involvement , attachement in life and makes one immune to the vagaries of the life. This leads to peace of mind.

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