Friday, September 20, 2013

Error in perception dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

Aadhaareshvathavaa shaktyaajnaanaachchittalayena vaa,
jaatashaktisamaaveshak shobhaante bhairavam vapuh

Translation :
Unable to percieve due to ignorance, if one is able to absorb mind on erroneous perception, then at the end of commotion by that absorbtion, the form of bhairava appears.

How to do :
All the disturbances of mind is because of error in perception mainly due to ignorance. We may think that we are fine and our perception of the world and reality is perfectly fine, but that itself is an erroneous perception. This sutra tells how to use the erroneous perception to the advantage of achieving bhairava consciousness.
Whatever be the perception, that is all you have got in hand. Get absorbed fully in that perception, even though it may cause disturbance in mind. At the end of such disturbance, the form of Bhairava appears. 

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