Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fusion of vayu dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 64 :
Vaayudvayasya sanghattaad antarvaa bahir antatah,
yogee samatvavijnaanasamudgamanabhaajanam

Translation :
From the fusion of the twin vayus, either inside or outside, the yogi attains equilibrium and ready for manifestation of consciousness.

Commentary :
The two vayus (prana and apana) represent the ingoing and outgoing breath. When we take breath inside, it goes upto heart and then reverses its direction towards outside.When we exhale, it goes out of nose to some distance and stops there, and reverses its direction. The gap between inhale-exhale or exhale-inhale is the place where prana becomes apana, and apana becomes prana and fusion between these two. Meditation on these this fusion leads to equilibrium in the body and mind of yogi, and makes yogi fit for manifestation of the Self.

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