Saturday, September 7, 2013

Empty pot dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 59 :
Ghataadibhaajane drishtim bhitteestyaktvaa vinikshipet,
tallayam tatkshanaad gatvaa tallayaat tanmayo bhavet

Translation :
Fix the gaze inside an empty pot, ignoring the boundary of pot. As the structure of pot is gone, mind is dissolved into the void.

How to do :
Take an empty pot and gaze at the emptiness of the inside of pot. Ignore the walls of pot. Mind dissolves into the void as the awareness dissolves into the empty space. This leads to tanmayatva (absorbedness into void).
Understand through this analogy that the Self which appears as individual self is like the empty space inside the pot. It is present outside the pot also, but the structure of pot separates it into Self and individual.

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