Friday, September 13, 2013

Fire or Air dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 68 :
Vahaner vshasya madhye tu chittam sukhamayam kshipet,
Kevalam vaayupoornam vaa smaraanandena yujyate

Translation :
Throw the blissful mind into fire in the middle of fibre like lotus stalk, or into that which is full of air. Then, one is united with rememberence of bliss.

How to do :
When the pranashakti moves upwards as explained in previous sutra #67, there is a bliss experienced. Stay meditating at the fire chakra which is manipura (near naval region), or at anahata (the heart chakra, full of air). By doing this, one remembers their original state of Self, which is blissful by nature.

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