Friday, September 13, 2013

Austerity as dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 66 :
Kuhanena prayogena sadya eva mrigekshane,
samudeti mahaanando yena tattvam prakaashate

Translation :
By performing tapas (austerities), great bliss arises through which the tattvam (essence) is revealed.

Commentary :
Any austerity if performed well, on completion, will give rise to ananda (satisfaction of completion). Greater the austerity , greater is the sense of accomplishment. Through that bliss, the essence is revealed.
Example : If you take up one service activity, and make a resolution that within one year I will achieve a particular target, and you strive towards it, and achieve it. At the end of the year, the satisfaction of completion is experienced by you as bliss.

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