Monday, September 16, 2013

Tantric mudras dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 77 :
Karankinyaa krodhanayaa bhairavyaa lelihaanayaa,
khecharyaa drishtikaale cha paraavaaptih prakaashate

Translation :
At the time of seeing karankini, krodhana, bhairavi, lelihanaya, khechari, the supreme attainment manifests.

Commentary :
When the sadhaka gets the inner intuitive meaning of the tantric mudras like ,
a) karankini : 'skeleton' mudra : Like shavasana, but consider body as a dead body.
b) krodhana : 'anger' mudra : tighten your facial muscles and let go to relieve the tension.
c) bhairavi : a.k.a unmani mudra : Eyes are looking at an external object, but attention is on inner self.
d) lelihanaya : 'flame' mudra : I dont know.
e) khechari : 'roaming in open space' mudra : Yogic texts describe it as elongation of tongue and bending the tongue backwards and pushed into cavity of mouth.
Then, the supreme attainment manifests.

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