Friday, September 6, 2013

Senses dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 55 :
Peenam cha durbalaam shaktim dhyaatvaa dvaadashagochare,
pravishya hridaye dhyaayan muktah svaatantryam aapnuyaat

Translation :
Meditate on the gross and weak energy in the twelve, enter into heart and attain mukti and get liberated.

How to do :
The energy in the senses (12 in number, five karmendriya + five jnanendriya + manas + ahankara) are gross , weak and dissipated when associated with outward nature of mind. All the senses send their inputs to the mind, which is enjoyed by the Jiva. The place of jiva is heart. Meditating on the senses by tracing the path of sensory inputs and where it lead will lead to heart, the center of enjoyment. Meditate on the heart center and become mukta and liberated.

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