Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Inner enemies dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 101 :
budhdhim nistimitaam kritvaa tat tattvam avashishyate

Translation :
When you see lust, anger, greed, delusion, arrogance, and jealousy, fix the mind on them till tattva remains.

How to do :
The six inner enemies kaama (desire/lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (delusion), mada (arrogance) and maatsarya (jealousy) are the problems for every human being. These negative emotions can also be used for dhyana. Whenever they arise in oneself, fix the mind on that feeling / emotion, feel it fully and the essence will remain. Even though these are negative in nature, but they are also one form of energy. They are part of yourself. Part of the duality of world. Become aware of these emotions.

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