Saturday, September 7, 2013

Desert dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 60 :
Nirvrikshagiribhittiyaadideshe drishtim vinikshipet,
vileene maanase bhaave vrittiksheenah prajaayate

Translation :
One should gaze at a deserted place like tree-less barren land, bare mountains or rocky terrain, where there is no support for mind, then the vriit (modification) of mind becomes less and mind dissolves.

How to do :
Select a deserted place like a country side, where there are no trees, and barren land, no object at sight, no automobiles to disturb you. Select a time as a mid-day time in summer, when the birds also dont chirp. Sit in a shaded place, become lazy and gaze across the vast land which is like a still picture. Mind becomes still.
In the modern era, such places are very rare, so imagine yourself to be in such a place and scenario. Observe that mind at once becomes silent.

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