Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tat dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 131 :
Aham mamedam ityaadi pratipattiprasangatah,
niraadhaare mano yaati taddhyaana preranaachchamee

Translation :
When you assert 'I am' or 'This is mine', meditate on 'That', the highest reality and the mind becomes supportless.

How to do :
Whenever a ego based thought comes , such as 'I, me, myself, mine', replace that thought and think of yourself as the highest reality 'That', and see that mind becomes supportless. 'Tat' is 'That', the highest reality, mentioned in the veda vakya 'Tat tvam asi' (thou are that). 
The support of mind is the endless thought waves. When you identify with individual ego, there will be thought waves and mind sustains. When you identify with highest reality 'Tat', thought waves reduce and mind becomes supportless.

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