Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Illusory world dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 102 :
Indrajaalamayam vishvam vyastam vaa chitrakarmavat,
bhramadvaa dhyaayatah sarvam pashyatashcha sukhodgamah

Translation :
Meditate on the universe as a magic show or a painting or as imagined by mind, and see all the manifestation as transient. Then happiness arises.

How to do :
A very simple yet profound technique. If you feel that world is real and the events of life as real, then change your thinking and put in the belief that the world is like a magic show, or a painting to be watched, or as a figment of imagination of your mind. See all as transient. If you see around you, nothing is permanent. Everything constantly changes. Change is the only thing that is constant. Things exist only for a brief period. Understand this nature of world and with this understanding happiness arises. If the world is real, then its problems are real and will affect you. If it is unreal, then you are unaffected by it. This is not mere words or just a change in belief system. Accomplished yogis experience this feeling of the transient nature of world. In the absence of such experience, putting in a belief will help.
Adi Shankaracharya's explanation of this are the famous words 'Brahma satyam, jagan mithya' (Brahman alone is truth, world is a transitory appearance).

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