Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bhairava is unknowable void dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 127 :
Yad avedyam yad agraahyam yachchoonyam yad abhaavagam,
tat sarvam bhairavam bhaavyam tadante bodhasambhavah

Translation :
Meditate on Bhairava as void which cannot be known, cannot be grasped or imagined. At the end realization takes place.

How to do :
Bhairava consciousness cannot be imagined by mind, it cannot be grasped by senses, it cannot be known by intellect, it is a shoonya, void. Negate all that is known through senses, mind and intellect as Non-Bhairava. What remains is the Bhairava consciousness. 

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