Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Non-existing mind dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 94 :
Chittaadyantahkritir naasti mamaantar bhaavayed iti,
vikalpaanaam abhaavena vikalpair ujjhito bhavet

Translation :
Think that the antahkarana is non-existent in me, then, in the absence of thought constructs, one becomes free from thought patterns.

How to do :
Think that the inner instrument (the mind, intellect, ego), doesnt exist and even if a thought comes, think that it doesnt belong to you. As you trick the mind into thinking that mind doesnt exist, the personality also doesnt exist, and the thought patterns related to the personality gets weakened and vanish. As a result, one becomes free from thought constructs. 

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