Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tattva dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 54 :
Svadehe jagato vaapi sookshmasookshmataraani cha,
tattvaani yaani nilayam dhyaatvante vyajyate paraa

Translation :
Meditation on the tattvas (constituents) of one's own body and of world, from subtle to subtlest, and its source, leads to supreme.

Commentary :
Our body and the world consists of the tattvas (pancha bhoota, pancha tanmatra, pancha jnanendriya, pancha karmendriya, manas, chitta, buddhi, and ahamkara) as described in the chart above. All of them come out of Prakriti which comes out of Purusha (consciousness).
Jnanedriya (cognitive senses) = (hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, smelling) come out of mind.
Karmendriya (active instruments) = (speaking, holding, moving, procreating, eliminating) come out of mind
Bhoota (gross elements) = (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space) come out of tanmatras
Tanmatra = (smell, taste, sight, touch, sound)
Manas = mind
Buddhi = intellect
Ahamkara = ego
Chitta = memory
Prakriti = unmanifest matter
Purusha = consciousness

Meditation on each of these tattvas in this chain, starting from grossest to sublter to subtlest to its source leads one to supreme paradevi.

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