Sunday, September 15, 2013

Contented mind dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 74 :
Yatra yatra manas tushtir manas tatraiva dhaarayet,
tatra tatra paraanandasvaroopam sampravartate.

Translation :
Wherever there is satisfaction of mind, hold the mind there, and the nature of supreme bliss manifests there.

Commentary :
The different dhyanas explained in sutras # 70 (dhyana on sexual pleasure), 71 (joy of seeing relatives), 72 (enjoyment of food and drink), 73 (joy of music and dance) is given a general description in this sutra, that, wherever your mind can find satisfaction and feel contented, use that as a means to know the nature of supreme bliss.
Mind is a monkey. It is always going outward, seeking enjoyment. Once an object of enjoyment is attained, mind will take rest for a moment, and in that moment, the mind is near the center, the Self, and experiences the bliss of Self. The feeling of happiness one experiences is always this bliss of Self only. Whenever mind is nearer to Self, it experiences the bliss. Wherever mind is satisfied and contented, it returns to the Self and enjoys the bliss.

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