Thursday, August 29, 2013

Void dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 44 :
Prishtashoonyam moolashoonyam yugapad bhaavayet cha yah,
shariranirapekshinyaa shaktyaa shoonyamanaa bhavet

Tranlation :
One who meditates simultaneously on the void of back and root becomes void-minded by the energy which is independent of the body.

How to do :
One who meditates on the void of back (middle of spinal chord, sushumna channel) and void of root (mooladhara) simultaneously, becomes shoonyamanaa (achieves silence of mind). Visualize the area near mooladhara (base of spine) and inside the spinal column as space / void, and observe that mind becomes at once void.

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