Sunday, August 25, 2013

Anahata nada dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 38 :
Anaahate paatrakarne abhagnashabde sariddrute
shabdabrahmani nishnaatah param brahmaadhigachchati

Transalation :
An adept listener to the unstuck sound which is like an uninterrupted rushing river, masters the shabda brahman and attains the supreme form of brahman.

Commentary :

Anaahata is the heart chakra, where one can listen the inner sound which is not produced by two objects striking with each other. This inner sound is uninterrupted like a rushing river, eternal and ever fresh. A person who trains to listen to this inner sound, can hear it. This is called Nada yoga. People who have listened to this has described this sound variously depending on their consciousness evolution level. Some described it as thunder, some as flute, some as conch, some as veena, some as insect cricket sound. The various musical instruments in Hindu god's hands are symbolic of the level of consciousness. Depending on which sound you listen, you can co-relate what is your progress and which level your consciousness is. 

How to do :
Sit relaxedly. Close your eyes. Listen to the sounds in your external environment. Slowly bring your awareness to the sounds your breathing is making. Soham dhyana is a good practice at this moment. Bring your awareness to your body and mind.
Close your ears with your palms, and listen intently to the inner sounds. Bring your thought to the crown of your head or to your heart chakra. Listen intently to the inner sounds. You may hear an uninterrupted sound, keep listening to it.
Do not try to listen literally to sounds like that of a musical instrument mentioned above. If it happens, well and good. Otherwise listen to the sound that you are getting. The unstuck sound is already there, you are becomming just aware of it. 

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