Saturday, August 17, 2013

Scan and relax dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

Relaxing the body is very important if you want to relax mind. There will be so many places in the body that we may have pain. Small or large, there will be some tension, pain in some body parts. I am not talking about pain due to a disease. In general , in the body some parts may have stiffness, tension, and pain. Relaxing those body parts which are stiff or tense helps in relaxing the mind. Pay attention to the body first.

How to relax :
Sit or lie down comfortably and close your eyes. take few deep breaths to settle down your mind. Now, scan your body from top to bottom and find out where are all in the body there is pain. Take your mind to the stressfull area, and relax your body part using your mind. Visualize in your mind that the tension is melting away. Do this 'scan and relaxing' repeatedly over entire body. Once you feel that body is sufficiently relaxed, then relax your mind.

You can practice this before going to sleep. You can also practice this during working hours. Take a small break from work, and while sitting in a chair, you can scan your body and relax the body parts which are in tension.

This is explained in video
This is explained in video 13 minutes into the video

Atmajyothi prasad

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