Sunday, August 18, 2013

Two points dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 24 : Sri Bhairava Uvaca :
Oordhve praano hyadho jeevo visargaatma parochcharet ,
Utpattidvitayasthaane bharanaad bharitha stithih

Translation :
What is said as 'Para' (devi / energy) is the nature of creation (visarga) of Prana and Jeeva. Fixing the mind at the generation points of these two gives fullness.

My understanding :
Visarga is the point bindu, which is at the back of head , where brahmins used to leave a tuft of hair (shikha). At this point cosmic Prana (energy) enters into the body, and becomes split as two. It becomes individual prana and individual consciousness (jeeva). It becomes split as objective experience of world, and body consciousness (jeeva). Becomming aware of this split of cosmic prana at the point of bindu into these two, makes one gets established in Bhairava consciousness.

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