Sunday, August 18, 2013

Indriya dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

Senses are called 'Indriya' in sanskrit language. Meditating on the temporary reality of sense perceptions will make one peaceful. What you see, hear, touch, taste, smell, think constantly changes. Any object or thing that changes with time or space, doesnt remain itself and hence it stops existing. It has only temporary reality. It exists for a limited period of time. Our suffering in life is because of trying to impose permanency on an impermanent thing. We want to hold on to things, which will never succeed. Everything changes, except the observer which is called Self. Accepting the changing reality will give peace of mind.

How to do :
Observe the inputs from your sensory organs.
As you see the world, tell yourself in your mind that , "What I see is changing constantly, and hence it may exist for a temporary period of time, but will not last long. It is going to change. Only myself , who is witnessing this changing phenomenon is changeless and constant".
As you hear the world,  tell yourself in your mind that , "What I hear is changing constantly, and hence it may exist for a temporary period of time, but will not last long. It is going to change. Only myself , who is witnessing this changing phenomenon is changeless and constant".
As you smell the world,  tell yourself in your mind that , "What I smell is changing constantly, and hence it may exist for a temporary period of time, but will not last long. It is going to change. Only myself , who is witnessing this changing phenomenon is changeless and constant".
As you touch the world,  tell yourself in your mind that , "What I touch is changing constantly, and hence it may exist for a temporary period of time, but will not last long. It is going to change. Only myself , who is witnessing this changing phenomenon is changeless and constant".
As you taste the world,  tell yourself in your mind that , "What I taste is changing constantly, and hence it may exist for a temporary period of time, but will not last long. It is going to change. Only myself , who is witnessing this changing phenomenon is changeless and constant".
As you think,  tell yourself in your mind that , "What I think is changing constantly, and hence it may exist for a temporary period of time, but will not last long. It is going to change. Only myself , who is witnessing this changing phenomenon is changeless and constant".

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