Saturday, August 17, 2013

Surrender to God dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

Chapter 4, Text 10
man‑maya mam upasritah
bahavo jnana‑tapasa
puta mad‑bhavam agatah

Being freed from attachment, fear and anger, being fully absorbed in Me and taking refuge in Me, many, many persons in the past became purified by knowledge of Me‑‑and thus they all at­tained transcendental love for Me.

Dhyana :
1) Attachment : Look into your mind , look for your attachments in life. Take one attachment, and then let it go. Leave it from your mind. Observe the heart center. Observe the lightness there.
2) Fear : Similarly, take one of your fears. You may fear that such and such thing might happen, and you are afraid of it. Visualize that the particular undesirable thing has indeed happened. Face it in your mind. Go through the possible after effects of the feared event. See clearly that you can face it, let go of the fear. Observe the lightness of the body.
3) Anger : Metta meditation : Bring to your mind any one of the incidents / persons who made you angry. If you are still angry with that person or that remembrance, observe the pain in the heart center when you think of that person. Student has to clearly see the pain. Do you want to suffer pain ? If not, then forgive wholeheartedly that person, because you want a lighter heart. Forgive others , because nobody is perfect. Forgive entire world at large.
Bring to your mind any action that may have caused harm to others. Ask for forgiveness from the universe and that person, in your mind, honestly. Forgive others, if you want to be forgiven.

If you are not able to free yourself from any of the negative emotions, surrender to God to help you to get rid of it. Once you are free from negative emotions, take refuge in god.

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