Saturday, August 24, 2013

Empty the pot dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

Whatever we see, taste, touch, hear, smell of the world, gives us an experience. We draw some conclusions out of those experiences. All the conclusions of this lifetime or of previous lifetimes are stored in our chitta (memory), in sub-conscious mind as vasanas (impressions) and samskaras (habit patterns). Some part of our memory is known to conscious mind, and some part is not known to conscious mind. The stored memory is called karmaashaya in sanskrit. These vasanas (impressions) and samskaras (habit patterns) determine our behaviour in present moment and shape our future. We need to free our mind from the clutches of the influence of these on our buddhi (intellect). There are various ways to empty the mind.

How to do :
Sit in a quiet corner, calm your mind, relax. Do aana-pana-sati for 5 minutes, and settle down your mind.

Method-1 : Observation of thoughts 
Sit silently, close your eyes and observe your mind. Mind is nothing but bundle of thoughts. Let the thoughts come and go. Do not hold on to any thought. Do not generate any thought of your own. Do not stop any thought. Let the thoughts come and go. Just watch the thoughts.Your sub-conscious mind will throw up what is there in it. Some thoughts may be bad, some thoughts may be good. Do not be attached to any thought. Watch dispassionately. 
You can practice it for 30 minutes to start with, daily. In the initial stages of practice, there will be lot of bombardment of thoughts on your conscious mind. Just be patient and keep on observing. Let the thoughts come and go. Eventually over a period of 2 to 3 months, your sub-conscious mind gets emptied of vasanas (latent impressions) and samskaras (habit patterns) of this lifetime and all previous lifetimes, and nothing is left in it to pollute the conscious mind.

Method-2 : Submit all your thoughts to Guru / God
Sit silently, close your eyes, and visualize that you (body and mind) is like a pot. Let any thought come. Tell to yourself that you are giving up this thought to Guru / God. Visualize that , that particular thought pattern is going away from your mind, and your pot is getting emptied. Give up everything you have to God, every tension, every worry, every weakness, every joy, every achievement, everything you are proud of, everything you are ashamed of, everything you offer to Guru / God. Empty your pot. Enjoy the silence and peace of mind.

This is explained and discussed in video 

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