Saturday, August 17, 2013

Selfish Vs Selfless thoughts dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

Chapter 2, Text 45
trai‑gunya‑visaya veda
nistrai‑gunyo bhavarjuna
nirdvandvo nitya‑sattva‑stho
niryoga‑ksema atmavan

The Vedas deal mainly with the subject of the three modes of material nature. O Arjuna, become transcendental to these three modes. Be free from all dualities and from all anxieties for gain and safety, and be established in the self

Dhyana : Contemplate and understand the difference between selfish and unselfish actions.
Step-1 : Bring to your mind a thought about acquiring something for yourself, like a house, car, or some material thing that is beyond your means to acquire. Desire for it. Observe the mind and the suffering it undergoes as the desired object cannot be acquired.
Step-2 : Visualize yourself doing a service to the needy. Observe the bhava of the mind.

Compare the state of mind between step-1 and step-2.

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