Saturday, August 17, 2013

Tadasana dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

Become tree and merge with sky, and merge with earth. This dhyana will give you a feeling of fullness. Usually tadasana (tree posture) is a better asana to practice this. This is the bhava (feeling) that one should have while practicing tadasana.

How to do :
Stand in tadasana. Spine erect, feet together and in V shape, toes spread apart and pressed down on the ground. Palms by the side of the body. Take full deep breaths. Close your eyes. Visualize or imagine yourself as a palm tree. Your head is the top of tree touching the sky and your feet are the roots in the ground. Visualize you are connected from your naval (manipura) up into the far distant galaxy in the sky, and you are connected from naval down into the center of earth. Merge with sky and merge with earth. Enjoy the peace and bliss of oneness. 

Practice this as long as you can have that feeling.

This is explained in video 22 minutes into the video

Atmajyothi prasad

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