Sunday, August 18, 2013

Dalai lama dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

How to do :
Sit in any meditative posture, close your eyes. Visualize yourself on your left side and right side. The ‘you’ on left side has your negative qualities, and the ‘you’ on your right side has your positive qualities.
Step-1 : Bring your attention/focus to you on left side and visualize yourself how you would have looked to others and how your state of mind would be when you are suffering from one of the six enemies (desire, anger, greed, attachment, pride, jealousy). Take one emotion at a time. See clearly your facial expressions, and how you have felt internally when undergoing any of the six enemies.
Step-2 : Bring your attention/focus to you on right side and visualize yourself how you would have looked to others and how your state of mind would be when you are undergoing any of the positive opposite quality to the six enemies (love, peace, giving, let go, humbleness, appreciation of others). Take one emotion at a time. See clearly your facial expressions, and how you have felt internally when undergoing any of the six positive qualities.
Step-3 : Make a choice which quality you want to have and merge with right side.
Do for all the qualities that are mentioned. Enjoy the peace and bliss.


  1. Please elaborate/clarify further on the step#3
    What do you mean by "merge with right side"
    Why should we merge a bad quality with a good quality?

    1. there are three persons in this technique. the one on the left side is you when you exhibited/underwent negative emotions. See clearly your state of mind when you were the person on the left. The person on to your right is you when you exhibited or underwent positive actions/emotions. See clearly your state of mind when you were the person on the right. Now , you are the middle person. make a choice, which one you want to be. Do you want to be the one on the left or right. You being the center one, merge with the right side person.

  2. there are three persons in this technique. the one on the left side is you when you exhibited/underwent negative emotions. See clearly your state of mind when you were the person on the left. The person on to your right is you when you exhibited or underwent positive actions/emotions. See clearly your state of mind when you were the person on the right. Now , you are the middle person. make a choice, which one you want to be. Do you want to be the one on the left or right. You being the center one, merge with the right side person.
