Friday, August 23, 2013

Inner space dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 35 :
Madhyanadee madhyasamsthaa bisasoothraabharoopayaa,
dhyaataantarvyomayaa devyaa tayaa devah prakashate

Translation :
In the center of middle nadi, there exists lotus stem. Meditate on that with the visualization of inner space, then with the help of Devi, Deva will manifest.

Commentary :
Middle nadi is called sushumna nadi, which contains another nadi known as Brahma nadi, which is described as the lotus stem. One should meditate on the brahma nadi as the inner space, then by the grace of Devi, the kundalini energy, The Bhairava is revealed.

How to do :
step-1 : Sit in a relaxed manner. Visualize that your body is an empty pot, delineated by the skin.
step-2 : Bring your awareness to the spinal chord and do susuhmna breathing. As you inhale visualize that the prana is moving from base of spine to top of head, along the spine.
step-3 : Visualize yourself in the middle of sushumna nadi which is in the middle of spinal chord, as space. Continue the susuhmna breathing.

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