Sunday, August 25, 2013

Shanmukhi dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 36 :
Kararuddhadrigastrena bhroobhedaad dvaararodhanaat,
drishte bindau kramaat leene tanmadhye paramaa stithi

Translation :
Close the entrances in all directions using hands, and pierce the eyebrow center and bindu is seen. Be gradually absorbed in bindu, and realize the supreme state.

Shanmukhi mudra :

The eyes, ears, nose, mouth, are the entrances in all directions. Using the two thumbs, close the ears, using the two index fingers close the eyelids, using the two middle fingers close the nostrils (not completely), using the two ring fingers close the upper lip and using the lower lip close the lower lip. This is called shanmukhi mudra.
You can also practice ujjayi pranayama along with this for better results in the initial practice.

How to do :
Adopt shanmukhi mudra and close the entrances in all directions. Then eyebrow center is pierced and a point of light is seen. This point of light is called bindu. Keep watching the bindu non-judgementally and without any expectation. Initially it appears as a point of light, gradually it becomes bigger and illumines everything. In that illumination, supreme state is realized.

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