Thursday, August 29, 2013

One moment dhyana

SriSadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 46 :
Tanoodeshe shoonyataiva kshanamaatram vibhaavayet,
nirvikalpam nirvikalpo nirvikalpasvaroopabhaak

Translation :
Even for a moment, if one meditates that the body is a void / space, the mind becomes free from thought, and the state of nirvikalpa (thoughtless mind) is attained, and one becomes thoughtless awareness.

Commentary :
This sutra tells that it is not needed to do lengthy practices. Just one moment practice is required to experience the nirvikalpa state of mind.

How to do :
Sit relaxedly, settle down your mind. Feel your body and do the centering technique to bring your mind to the body. Now, for a moment, think that your body is space, a void, nothing is there, you dont have a body. In that moment, for that moment, you experience the thoughtless-ness, from that state of mind, nirvikalpa (thoughtless awareness) arises. 
Once that thought that your body is space, is not there, next moment you may be back to your original confused mind, and your original thought patterns. But for that one moment, you enter into nirvikalpa, and that impression is made on your mind, and an understanding of nirvikalpa has happened to your mind.

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