Tuesday, August 20, 2013

suspended pendulum kumbhaka dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 26:
Na vrajen na vishechchaktir marudroopaa vikaasite,
nirvikalpatayaa madhye tayaa bhairavaroopata

Translation :
When there is no movement of shakti in the form of breath, neither inwards or outwards, and it is still, then, the form of bhairava, which is nirvikalpa consciousness is developed in the middle (sushumna).

My understanding :
In the previous sutra 25, kumbhaka is done (sahita or kevala) after exhale or after inhale of breath. Still, breathing happens, even though slowly. It moves from inhale to kumbhaka to exhale to kumbhaka to inhale to kumbhaka and so on. It moves like a pendulum. When this pendulum is moving with lesser and lesser wavelength, and stops in middle, then the breath is not moving, and it is not moving in either direction. At this type of kumbhaka, in the middle channel (sushumna nadi), bhairava roopa (form) develops. The roopa of Bhairava is the nirvikalpa consciousness. Nirvikalpa means without vikalpa (any kind of mental disturbance).

Hari Om

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