Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Known to unknown dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

Life is a journey from known to unknown. Past is known, present is known, future is unknown. Life is unpredictable. Anything can happen in life. Mind wants stability and predictability. As the future is uncertain, and mind wants a certainity, stress and anxiety builds up. All our actions are geared towards providing a predictable stable future. This dhyana is to free your mind of this thinking pattern. 

How to do :
Sit quietly and think along the lines of the following,
Understand and accept the simple fact that anything can happen in life and future. If everything is known before hand , what is the fun in living. Remove all goals of your life. You act what is possible to do currently. Wait and watch the unfoldment of drama of your life. Remove from your mind all your wishes, dreams about your future, remove from your mind, all that you consider as your duties. Observe the excitement in your heart that builds up about the next moment with this attitude.

You can practice it anytime you want. This will free up your mind to a large extent. 

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