Friday, August 23, 2013

Jiva dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT : 32
Shikhipakshaish chitraroopair mandalaih shoonyapanchakam,
Dhyayatah anuttare shoonye pravesho hridaye bhavet

Translation :
Meditate on five voids (shoonya-panchakam), which are like the different colored circles in peacock feathers. After following to their source, the main void, enter the heart. 

There are five sensory perceptions, which are called as 'pancha tanmatras'. They are shabda (sound) , sparsha (touch), roopa (form), rasa (taste), gandha (smell). Through these you know the world. Through these the five principles (pancha tattva) are known. The pancha tattvas are, Akasha (space), Vayu (air), Agni (fire), Apas (water), Prithvi (earth). Each of the tanmatras will inform you about one tattva. The following mapping will give you an idea,
Shabda informs you about space element.
Sparsha informs you about air element.
Roopa informs you about fire element.
Rasa informs you about water element.
Gandha informs you about earth element.
These five tanmatras are called as five voids (shoonya panchakam) because they are abstract.
The Jiva (individual consciousness) is called as principle void (shoonya) in this sutra, because, jiva is also abstract.
Meditate on each tanmatra and follow where it is leading to, and they will lead to jiva, The main experiencer of these perceptions. The experience of each sense perception is felt in heart center (anahata chakra).
Jiva is the individual consciousness. It is one of the nine forms of Bhairava. This jiva bhava is felt in heart (anahata) chakra. This jiva is the experiencer of the sensory perceptions. 

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