Friday, August 23, 2013

Self absorption dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

VBT 33:
Eedrishena kramenaiva yatra kutrapi chintanaa,
shoonye kundye pare paatre svayam leena varaprada

Translation :
In this way, gradually one should do constant meditation on the void, or a wall, or another excellent to get the boon of self absorbtion.

Commentary :
Chintana is putting your mind and observation on some object. Here it is mentioned that the object of meditation can be the void (shoonya, the jiva explained in previous sutra), or a wall, or another excellent personality like your Guru. Gradually, self-absorbtion happens.

How to do :
First know the Jiva in heart, the principle void by following the tanmatras, as explained in jiva dhyana . Then whatever you see, touch, hear, smell, taste  will take you to heart chara, to the shoonya. Constantly abide there. If this is difficult, then think highly about your Guru / God. If this is difficult, then sit in front of a wall, staring at it for longer duration. As the practice intensifies and the same chintanaa is continued while you are walking, talking, sleeping and eating, then you have attained self absorption.

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