Saturday, August 17, 2013

Prakriti is the doer dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

Chapter 3, Text 27
prakrteh kriyamanani
gunaih karmani sarvasah
ahankara‑ vimudhatma
kartaham iti manyate

The spirit soul bewildered by the influence of false ego thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by the three modes of material nature.

Dhyana : Contemplate on the limitedness of ego. The inability of ego to act by itself. It is the nature that acts. The heart-beat, BP, digestion , excretion, all bodily functions happen by some unknown actor. What is the role of ego (conscious mind) in all these activities. When a particular action is done, ego claims that it has done. Can you lift your hand using just your ego alone ?

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