Saturday, August 17, 2013

Inward Vs Outward mind dhyana

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

Chapter 2, Text 69
ya nisa sarva‑bhutanam
tasyam jagarti samyami
yasyam jagrati bhutani
sa nisa pasyato muneh


What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self‑controlled; and the time of awakening for all beings is night for the introspective sage.
There are two kinds of people who restrain the senses from their objects: (1) one who is endeavoring for self‑realization and (2) one who just can't, who is being forced to do by circum­stance. The first example is compared "daytime" it is light in his life and the other's life is like "night" or hell. They are just opposite.

Dhyana : Understand the outgoing mind and inward looking mind.

Outgoing mind : thoughts about your world, job, college, house-hold chores, your wants. When your mind is outward, there is an objective experience. You forget the ‘I’ , the subjective experience.
Inward mind : Turn your attention to what is the impact of worldly thoughts on your mind, emotions and feelings.  How you feel is the domain of inward looking mind.
Understand both outward looking mind and inward looking mind. And Understand the ‘I am’ that experiences both these minds. The subjective experience ‘I am’ , is not experienced when you have objective experience. When you have pure ‘I am’ thought, at that moment there is no experience of the objective world. 

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